Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Attempting Youtube: My First Video, Coming Soon!

I've brought this up on my blog before. Having been doing the blog thing for a while now, I've started to consider Youtube as an avenue that I might like to at least try. I get a little nervous in front of the camera but have recently become less so after taking a speech class renewed my skills in public speaking! 

Today, I recorded my first video, it's filmed on my cell phone & recorded in the wrong orientation with lackluster audio, but it's a video where I feel like redoing it would make my opinions feel less authentic. It's not perfect and I am still very much learning.

This is something I've wanted to do for a while now, therefore, I'm going to put it up anyway! No more excuses or procrastination and fear.

I hope that you all will check out my video and will post a link here once it is up!

Link to video:

ArcanaCouture Blog // Ipsy August 2016


Loving the art by Michelle Phan, featured on this months bag!

For my first video, I went easy on myself and will be talking about Ipsy's August Glambag. I really hope you all enjoy & if you want to see more video content please give me a like & maybe even subscribe!

Let me know in the comments if you want a review of any of these products!

(Not Sponsored.)

Products from this months bag include: Symphony Beauty Makeup Wipes, Lord & Berry Lip Pencil, Formula X nail polish, This Works 3-in-1 Moisturizer, NYX Liquid Illuminator

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