Monday, January 19, 2015

Just An Update - Life Stuff & Upcoming Content

Sorry for the lack of content lately everyone. I'm completely going to blame the holidays. I'm also a student so finals and final projects in school which was ending for the semester has kept me super busy. Working full time on top of that during the holiday season didn't help either. Now school is picking up again, but it should be a lighter workload then I had last semester.

I have some projects that I'm putting together. I've been trying a lot of new products. Some reviews, first impressions, new found favorites and products that I wanted to love...but instead hate.

My favorite products of 2014 & what I'm looking forward to getting my hands on in 2015, all of that is coming soon. I've been trying to put a post together on Pantone's color of the year, Marsala (love it). Hopefully I will have that ready to go in a couple days.

Just a picture of lil' old me wearing a product I'll be talking about soon.
Can you guess what it is? :p
Life has been keeping me busy. I've also been on the mend from a recent car accident.

I am also trying to put together something to celebrate my blog turning ONE. Cause I just cannot believe it and am so happy that I took a chance on this. Keep your eyes open for that. Over 500 views in a year. I just want to thank everyone who has ever taken the time to read my ramblings.

Also Youtube, yep that's all I'm gonna say on that. Gotta keep some stuff close to the vest. ^_~

Happy 2015 everyone!!! Hope you all had a fantastic holiday season. Later

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