Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Life, Books & What's Next

This post might be a little bit different from what I usually post. There are reasons for that though. I've been meaning to post since last Thursday, then naturally life got in the way. I've been under the weather, my husbands been sick so when not curled up in bed trying to feel better or being at school or work, cause being a grown up can stink sometimes (obligations to uphold, no sick days in college lol).

I honestly haven't been wearing too much makeup, which is a reason for this post not being about Too Faced ~ La Belle Carousel. I don't feel like I've worn it enough to give it a full review and it has so much to it that I don't feel a first impression would give it justice or be a fair view of the product.

Another thing I've been doing out side of homework, has been reading. I go through phases sometimes where I will just devour books. In the past month (January) I've read eight books & I'm about to finish my ninth and tenth. Here's a list of the books in case you are curious:

  • Unlucky 13 - James Patterson
  • Private - James Patterson
  • Confessions of a Serial Killer - James Patterson (Just a bit of a Patterson kick lol)
  • Hunger Games #1 (Catching Fire) - Suzanne Collins
  • The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Storm Front - Jim Butcher
  • Orange Is The New Black: My Year In A Women's Prison - Piper Kerman
  • The Paris Wife - Paula Mclain
The ones I'm about to finish:

  • Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
  • Life As I Blow It - Sarah Colonna
So, as I said, I've been off devouring books, like crazy. It's just a habit I have and will never deny. In case you were wondering my favorites out of what I am reading or have recently read are Gone Girl (seriously, if you haven't read it, GO READ IT, after finishing this post of course ^_~), Unlucky 13, it's part of James Patterson's Women's Murder Club series and the entire series is great. The Hobbit is a favorite book of mine and I re-read it after seeing The Hobbit pt. 3 in theaters. The Paris wife is a lovely read. Orange is the New Black was good and I want to watch the show on netflix now (even though it's different from the book. Storm Front is book one of The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, love the series, I'm re-reading this series because a new book just came out and I'm not caught up. Private was a boring letdown and I won't be continuing that Patterson series. Confessions of a Serial Killer was alright if not hard to follow because of the style in which it was written. Not really a fan of either of these books and I usually enjoy Patterson's stuff. Yeah, so those are my top picks and the fails out of this lot.

Anyway, I'm sure some of you are like where's the makeup content. Well, I'm working on it. I'm trying to fix my lighting setup so I can maybe start doing videos. Also I just really need to fix my lighting in general to get rid of orange tones in my pictures, et cetera. As soon as I work out the bugs there, I'll post some reviews on the few products I have been wearing lately. Some hits and a couple of definite misses for me, plus a product that I'm actually just mad at. Keep your eyes out for new content soon.

Leave me some comments on anything you might want to see me review. Or tell me what are you reading right now? Have any suggestions, leave a comment below.